To all the lovely brides to-be, a very hearty congratulations! Now that you’re engaged, what would you like your big day to be like? We’re sure you have a million things to take care of right now, so before going ahead, pause, take a deep breath, put on your best smile, and join us in this wonderful post!

Luis Tosta/Unsplash | Pre-wedding madness and questionnaires can be tiring, which is why you need to plan things well
Pre-wedding madness and questionnaires can be tiring, and sometimes you don’t even get to soak up those engagement vibes. But despite the long list of to-do’s staring at you, we highly recommend taking a moment and being grateful for this beautiful new chapter of your life.
Once you’re ready and all geared up for starting the festivities, here’s where you can start.
Make a budget
The first and foremost thing you should do is make a budget. Now, we know money conversations are a little hard to crack, but without knowing the figures, you have nowhere to go. Talk to your partner about the wedding funds and how much you can afford, and if your parents are willing to contribute, ask them for a tentative figure. Better to be realistic here.

Photos by Lanty/Unsplash | Talk to your partner about the wedding funds and how much you can afford, and if your parents are willing to contribute, ask them for a tentative figure
Fix a date
Weddings are no less than a dream come true for most couples. You might have always dreamt of a summer wedding, or maybe of getting married on your parent's wedding anniversary. But what you really need to consider is whether it can be practical or not. Be vocal about your choices, concerns, and preferences, and only then come to a final conclusion.
Make a guest list
Sure, it's your big day. You want to celebrate it with all your friends, cousins, colleagues and more, but just think about it. Is it even remotely reasonable? Talk to your partner and family about who you would really want to invite and make a preliminary guest list. Make sure to have a ballpark number, so that you can start looking for an appropriate venue.

Victoria Priessnitz/Unsplash | Talk to your partner and family about who you would really want to invite and make a preliminary guest list
Just the beginning...
This is just the trailer; the real madness is still waiting around the table. But of course we don’t want to scare you off. If at any point you seem like you’re losing it, take a deep breath and visualize yourself with your partner at the altar. All your worries will melt away in a jiffy!
We hope these tips prove helpful when necessary!