Falling in love is not exactly a science. The oxytocin in your body, which is a love-inducing hormone begins to surge when you find yourself catching feelings for a certain person. However, the actual act of falling in love is totally different for every person.
Have you ever found yourself wondering if you are actually in love with your significant other? Or if what you have is a “forever” thing? If you have not been able to answer yourself, fret not!

Asad Photo Maldives/Pexels | You reading this article is also a sign
Today, with the help of some relationship and dating experts, we have gathered some signs that will tell if you are in love with your partner or not.
1. Being With Each Other is Fun!
You feel happy even during unfortunate events like getting a flat tire and having to walk a number of miles just because no Uber was available or having to ditch your dinner plans just because you found yourself driving back and forth for an hour looking for a parking spot so you just drive back home and get some pizza.
Dating experts have said that being able to enjoy each other’s company even when things go wrong is when you know that you have a deep connection.

Hamann La/Pexels | This could turn out to be the real deal.
2. Understanding and Accepting Their Flaws
Not a single person in this world is perfect, everyone has flaws. But, in the case of a significant other, it is when you finally find yourself coming to terms with their undesirable trait, like putting the dishes anywhere but the sink; some experts believe this is when you know you really are in love! Obviously, becoming blind to red flags is a big no.

Diva Plavalaguna/Pexels | But letting go of the fact that they pour milk before the cereal, that’s love.
3. You Talk About the Future
You are comfortable with sharing your future plans with them; you talk about it very comfortably, without putting in a lot of effort. Whether it is about far future plans or just a random beach trip, you keep talking excitedly about it for three months. It is not weird or awkward to talk about it because you are more than sure that they will be there to go with you, and that they are equally excited to talk about it and go with you.
So are you in love with your significant other?