Do you know how and when soap was discovered? Long story short, back in ancient Babylonian times, archeologists discovered a material that had a soapy consistency (resembling a bar of soap) stored in clay cylinders that belonged to as early as 2800 B.C. Interestingly, soaps were used to clean dirt off clothes rather than our bodies during this particular period, since personal hygiene was not that big a priority. Thankfully, that belief changed as mankind evolved.

Jeremy Bezanger/Unsplash | Soaps aren’t just for personal hygiene. They can be used for other purposes too
The Cleaning Institute states that around the 17th century, the concept of bathing and maintaining personal hygiene became a lot more popular and with it, so did soaps too. In fact, possession of soaps was heavily taxed for a long time, since they were considered to be luxury items. Imagine the shock people from those times would get if they saw how we use soaps to cleanse our bodies and hair, wash dishes, do the laundry, and so much more today.
Since we’re on the topic of soaps, what do you say we discuss some interesting ways you can make the best out of your bar soaps?
Mid-Shaving Crisis
How many times have you run out of shaving cream halfway during the process of shaving your beard? Well, just keep a foaming bar soap handy. Trust us, you’ll be rescued! In fact, some people intentionally use bar soaps after a long day of yard work to wash their hands, considering that it’s quite potent for removing the dirt in and around the nails.

Townsend Walton/Unsplash | Run out of shaving cream halfway in the process of shaving your beard? Well, just keep a foaming bar soap handy
Stuck Doors? Not an Issue!
Have you ever been a victim of a sliding door malfunction? Has the zip of your favorite pair of jeans gotten stuck? All you need to do is rub a little bit of soap on the door tracks or the stuck surface, and voila! The moving parts will be back to looking and functioning like new.

Kristina Balić/Unsplash | Dealing with stuck zippers? All you need to do is rub a little bit of soap on the door tracks or the stuck surface
Bottom Line
In today’s time, many people switch to liquid soaps because of hygiene concerns. It is believed that sharing soap bars spreads germs but in reality, that’s completely untrue! A block of contaminated bar soap does not transfer bacteria from one individual to another. Perhaps if people really knew the pros of using bar soap, they might want to buy it even more regularly. What do you say?